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Archives: Referrals

“Charles E. Foster “

“Dear Tom, Thank you for your kindness, understanding and helpfulness in our hour of sorrow.”

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Kathy & Gene Schmult

“Dear Tom, Kathy and I wish to thank you for tremendous assistance in the recent deaths of my mother and father. We have felt so relieved that we set up the burial trust and had you help us with the pre-planned arrangements. While such things may be a normal course for you, you made our

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Dianna, Jim & David Fisher, Lori Ann & Terry Streit

“Dear Tom, How do I begin to thank you for all you’ve done for our family. God is so good – he supplies all our needs in ways we can’t even imagine. To have a fine Christian friend to be there to help Mother when I couldn’t meant so very much. Your warmth & compassion

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“Dear Bill, Terry and I were pleased with everything you did for us. I am sure things were carried out in the manner Bob would have wanted. It’s so nice to have you as a brother. I also know it was very difficult for you.”

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Freda Teeter

“Dear Bill, Thank you very much for being so kind and helpful at the time it sure was needed. I still can’t believe it. I think I must still be in shock. Thanks again.”

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Cecil D. Hess

“Dear Mr. Hindman, My wife and I wish to express our deep appreciation to you for your kindness and consideration during a difficult time. We feel very satisfied that everything was done with dignity and care. Thank you again for your efforts.”

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“Dear Mr. Hindman and Tom, We shall always remember your kindness and compassion. You are two very lovely people!”

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James Heilig

“Dear Mr. Hindman, Thank you for your aid and concern in Bill Strayer’s funeral services. We are grateful for all you have done for us, and I’m sure that Bill’s folks are equally grateful to you.”

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Sylvia McDonald & Family

“To Tom, Bill & Allen, From our whole family we send deepest thanks for the kindness, time, and personal attention you gave each one of us through Mom’s funeral days. Mom had mentioned to Aunt Gerry that she wanted to pre-plan her funeral (after Boots died). I believe that what we put together, with your

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Lisa, Emily, Nathan & Katie Saylor

“Bill, Tom, Alan and Staff, Thank you all for doing such a wonderful job and by making this very difficult time slightly easier to handle. All of you are wonderful!”

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Keller Funeral Home

“Dear Bill, I want to thank you for your help. The family was very pleased after we got finished with Mr. Horner. You probably observed he had lost a lot of weight, over 100 lbs. in a five-month period, to be exact. I could not have done a good job if he had not been

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Albert Rager

“Dear Bill, I appreciated all the way how you went out of your way to handle the funeral, and I know you didn’t charge enough on the bill. This is not a business letter, but a token for yourself. Thanks a million.”

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“Dear Tom, Bill, & Staff, On behalf of my family I want to thank you for the services you have rendered for my Mom, Viona, and all of our family. Your thoughts and words of condolence& memories of her were very comforting. She had a gift that was God given. She was there for many

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“Mr. Hindman, Thank you so much for your patience. I’m still battling with Chesapeake Ins. so I’m not sure what will happen. As of yesterday they’re still waiting for his medical records. I guess the fact that it was an accident accounts for nothing. Mostly though, thank you for your kindness, understanding & beautiful funeral

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Shari Kinsey & Family

“Bill & Allen, Thank you for everything you helped us with. Your help was greatly appreciated in our time of need.”

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