Recent Obituaries

Archives: Referrals

Michael Burkett

“Dear Mr. Hindman, I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank you for doing such a terrific job laying my father, Charles M. Burkett, to rest. Everything was so beautiful and very well done. As well, you were there every step of the way to answer any questions that I or my

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Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kolar

“Mr. Tom Hindman, We just had to let you know that we deeply appreciate your kindness during our recent bereavement, the loss of our mother, Barbara Kolar. This is something words can’t express – it is felt in our hearts. Thank You!”

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David & Edna Ashcom and family

“Dear Tom, You and your mother treated us in our recent hour of need more like your own family than strangers. For this we are very thankful. There is no way we can really thank you enough.”

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Grade & Jim Evans

“Dear Tom, Just a note to thank you for your kindness and the consideration that you have shown us, at the time when we needed it the most. It is really good to know people like you & your mother.”

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Linda Haman

“Dear Mr. Hindman, I want to thank you or all that you did to help during the recent loss of our mother, Audrey Griffen. It was a comfort to see Mom look so peaceful. Your gentle care & comfort will always be remembered. “

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Janis Dobbins

“Dear Mr. Hindman, Thank you for your consideration and thoughtfulness during Dad’s funeral. The many services and the comforts shown to us all at your funeral home are greatly appreciated. “

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Gertrude Repp & family

“Dear Tom, Thank you so very much for all you have done for me and our family, all the extras of helping us in so many ways. Thanks also to your Mother, she was so helpful. I know you both went out of your way to give us loving Christian concern & we were very

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Ruth Jeffery

“Dear Mr. Hindman: My family was very well pleased with all the things you did to make Mother’s funeral a thing of beauty. Thank you for being so helpful this morning with the marker.”

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“Sorry for the delay in the payment of this bill. We were well pleased with the services. Thank you and wishing you and yours the best of everything in the New Year.”

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Russell Gray & Family

“Tom, Just wanted to say thanks again for all you did for our family in dealing with the loss of our wife and mother. Through it was the most difficult time of our lives, we surely appreciate all you did to console and help us with the many decisions we had to make. We all

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The Grace Scott Family

“Dear Tom, We wanted you to know how much we appreciated all your thoughtfulness, kindness, comfort and understanding that was given to us by you & your staff. There are not enough words to thank you for granting our request to sing the Ave Maria. It was so beautiful. You did enlighten our burden. We

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“Roderick D. Ford “

“Dear Mr. Hindman, I wish to express my appreciation for the very gratifying manner in which you conducted services for my sister, Mrs. Frances Blansett. Everything was exactly as it should have been. Thank you.”

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Kathleen Brady

“To the Hindman Family: In appreciation for the wonderful treatment your family offered to all of my family. Thank you.”

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“Valenia Clark & Family “

“Dear Mr. Hindman, Our sincere appreciation for the professional yet understanding manner in which you handled the arrangements for our family.”

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“Dear Mr. Hindman, Thanks so much for the wonderful service you gave our family, and thanks for waiting so long for your money.”

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