Recent Obituaries

Archives: Referrals


“Dear Jeromy, Just a note to say thank you for all you did for us. We feel we gained a friend, not just a person doing his job. Everything was wonderful. Just the way Chuck would have wanted it. I know you will thank of us every time you hear the world “”calliope””.”

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Paula (Maxfield) Miller

“Jeromy, Just when I lose faith in the younger generation, God sends someone with compassion and caring for others. Even my brother who never says anything nice about anyone, declared you as a rarity of your youth. When the waitress told us the gentleman had paid our bill, I looked at my friend in complete

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Myrna, Linda, Helen, Wally

“Tom, Mom looked like an angel – she is an angel! Thanks so much for all the “”special”” courtesies extended to our family. Everything was beautiful. God has truly blessed you with many gifts, Tom. We so appreciate being able to make this kind of arrangement with a friend. We love you!”

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JoAnne Bryn

“Dear Mrs. Hindman & Tom, I would like to thank you for all the help you have given to me concerning my Aunt. It was a learning experience. Your helpfulness was appreciated.”

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Fay & Allen

“Dear Friends, Thank you so much for all the kindness above & beyond the call of duty shown to our family. Tom, I know Mom was happy with the way everything went. We will miss her. I can’t believe she’s gone – I guess it will hit me one of these days. Again, thanks for

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The Nellie Fregly Family

Your kindness & courtesy was deeply appreciated.

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Mary Kay Snoby, Barbara A. Bracken & Family

“Dear Mr. Hindman & Family, We would like to thank you again for your kindness during the sad time you shared with us. It was made a little easier for us because you took the time to be so kind to us all. We will never forget you.”

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The Louis P. Mellon Family

“Dear Tom – Thank you for your kindness and your help in making a very sad time a little easier – and thank you for singing our dad’s favorite song and doing it so beautifully.”

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Gale Bala & family

“Dear Tom, Thank you so much for your quiet, caring manner in making funeral arrangements for my mother, Vivian Horner. A special note of appreciation for your beautiful song.”

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For all your little extras I couldn’t thank you for at the time, but most of all your tenderness and real concern. I want to say again “thank you” and tell you, you shall always be remembered in my prayers.

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Edna F.

“Dear Tom, We want to say again that we were pleased with all your services for the viewing & funeral. It was good to get to know you & your mother & to learn that we share a mutual friend. I’ve written to E.J. to reinforce our invitation for her to visit with us. If

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Kathleen Ickes

“Dear Tom, Thank you again for your kindness to all of our family. You surely did lighten my burden.”

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“Dear Tom, Shirley & Mrs. Hindman, Well you can surely tell I’m not in the teaching end of the family but we all want to thank you for all the personal touches you added to help us through our loss. And Tom, thanks for keeping an eye on George. He can be a handful at

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Connie Finder

“Tom, Thanks for everything. I really appreciated your caring and compassion!”

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Walter Carney Family

“Tom, Thank you so much for your kindness during our loss. “

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